Come and experience "The greatest story ever told, the greatest life ever lived, the greatest affirmation ever made; the greatest mandate ever given." May you resonate with this drama and find in it your own purpose and direction in life.
Pastor Tom
March 29 10:00am PALM SUNDAY
Sermon: 'Becoming a Part of the Crowd"
Lessons: Zechariah 9: 9-11; John 12: 12-19
special music and the receiving of palms
opportunity to contribute to One Great Hour of Sharing
Thursday, April 2 7:00pm MAUNDY THURSDAY
observance of the Passover Seder meal
culminating in The Last Supper
Friday, April 3 GOOD FRIDAY
3:00pm Stations of the Cross
walking with members of St. James Episcopal Church, Brookhaven
along the road between our two churches, pausing two read the appropriate scripture passages and reflect and pray.
7:00pm Tenebrae Service at Bellport United Methodist Church
Sunday, April 6 EASTER
6:00am Sunrise Service at Bellport Dock
led by local clergy
10:00am Easter Service
Sermon: "Easter Conviction"
Lessons: Mark 16: 1-8
I Corinthians 15: 1-11
Special music with Joseph Porcelli on trumpet
Dedication of One Great Hour of Sharing Offering
You are invited to bring an Easter plant; place it in the vestibule; the children will bring them into the sanctuary during the first hymn.