Old South Haven Presbyterian Church is located at the corner of South Country and Beaver Dam Roads, Brookhaven, Long Island, NY; about one mile east of the Village of Bellport, and across from the Bellport High School.
Friday, August 25, 2017
This Week at Old South Haven Church - church bell and Charlotte
Monday, August 21, 2017
This Week at Old South Haven Chrch

Pastor Tom on vacation/study leave until Thursday, August 31.
at the Chautauqua Institution, Chautauqua, N.Y.
Pastor Yuri Ando, United Methodist Church of Bellport, will be on call for this period.
Sunday, Aug. 27 10:00am Morning Worship
Preacher: Linda Majowka
Sunday, Sept. 3 10:00am Morning Worship/Holy Communion
Sermon: "Work as Our Living Worship"
Lessons: Genesis 3: 13-19
II Timothy: 1:1-14; 2: 14-15
Saturday, August 12, 2017
FW: Music for the OSHC Service of August 13, 2017, 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
From: Richard Thomas
Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 11:53 PM
Subject: Music for the OSHC Service of August 13, 2017, 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
According to the Presbyterian Planning Calendar, this Sunday is the “Day of Prayer for the Peaceful Reunification of the Korean Peninsula.”
The following Sunday, August 20, will be Bobby Stirling’s birthday. He will be 61.
“To God Be the Glory,” no. 485, is the opening hymn of praise with its rousing refrain. It is a Fanny Crosby hymn. We sing it about the same time of year most years (in late August—or in early September, when there is a hurricane in August).
Fanny J. Crosby (1820-1915)
You can also hear a spectacular version, with orchestra, sung by the audience and stage choirs at Royal Albert Hall, London, here:
https://youtu.be/-15v9iworAU “To God Be the Glory,” Royal Albert Hall, London, with captions so you can sing along
Both the text and the tune date from 1875. The tune was composed for the text by William Howard Doane, an industrialist.
There is a society that was formed by his daughters as a memorial to him—the “William Howard Doane Legacy Society”:
http://www.omsc.org/plannedgiving.shtml Click to see a photo of William Howard Doane (and also photos of his daughters, Ida and Marguerite)
W. Howard Doane also composed the tune for another Fanny Crosby (1820-1915) text, “Though Your Sins Be as Scarlet.” You can hear a beautiful a cappella rendition of “Though Your Sins Be as Scarlet,” which has wonderful harmonies, here:
http://www.churchofgodsinging.com/index.php?do=p&id_song=19 Valerie Eck sings all parts of “Though Your Sins Be as Scarlet” (using multi-track recording), excellent
W. Howard Doane (1832-1915) was born in Preston, Connecticut. He became the superintendent of a large Baptist Sunday School in Cincinnati, Ohio. He composed 1,000 hymn tunes, including the tunes for “Tell Me the Old, Old Story,” “Near the Cross,” “Rescue the Perishing,” and “Safe in the Arms of Jesus.”
“Rescue the Perishing” again demonstrates William Doane’s skill at producing lovely multi-line harmonies. The text, by Fanny Crosby, isn’t at all Presbyterian. This was a kind of hymn Baptists loved to sing.
https://youtu.be/LMFRt2aLuMI “Rescue the Perishing,” tune by William Howard Doane, words by Fanny Crosby
The Old Testament reading is Isaiah 40:28-31.
Did you not know? Had you not heard? Yahweh is the everlasting God,
he created the remotest parts of the earth.
He does not grow tired or weary, his understanding is beyond fathoming.
He gives strength to the weary, he strengthens the powerless.
Even youths grow tired and weary, the young stumble and fall,
but those who hope in Yahweh will regain their strength, they will rise up as if they had eagles’ wings,
they run, yet they do not grow weary, they walk, yet they never tire.
There is an anthem on this topic, “On Eagles’ Wings,” which the choir may have looked at once, but I don’t recall that we ever performed it.
https://youtu.be/hd-mV_p8CZY “On Eagles’ Wings” sung by the Adventist University of the Philippines Ambassadors (truly beautiful)
The gospel reading is Matthew 11:28-30.
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke52 on you and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
For my yoke is easy to bear, and my load is not hard to carry.”
(The translators for the version above fear their readers might not know what a “yoke” is and provide a footnote.)
I found a relatively modern hymn on the topic, “Yoke Up, Yoke Up with Jesus,” it is written (and sung by) Brother Harlan D. Sorrell. You can hear it hear by clicking the “play audio recording” button:
http://library.timelesstruths.org/music/Yoke_Up_with_Jesus/ “Yoke Up with Jesus,” by Harlan D. Sorrell (1990)
An older hymn is “Help Us, O Lord, Thy Yoke to Wear,” by Thomas Cotterill, who was born in 1779 in England.
Here is a gospel hymn, “His Yoke Is Easy,” sung by Bishop Paul S. Morton Sr. (There is a three minute build-up before the choir joins in, but the wait is entertaining.)
https://youtu.be/GQ_jwXnOFcg “His Yoke Is Easy, His Burdens Are Light” sung by Bishop Paul S. Morton Sr. and the Greater St. Stephen Mass Choir
You can see the lyrics here: https://mojim.com/usy166919x1x10.htm . Bishop Paul S. Morton is an American Baptist pastor who was born on 30 July 1950. He is the senior pastor at a church in Atlanta, Georgia, and co-pastor at the Greater St. Stephen Full Gospel Baptist Church in New Orleans, Louisiana.
The second hymn the 23rd Psalm as versified in the Scottish Psalter of 1650. The tune used is CRIMOND, by Jessie Seymour Irvine.
Jessie Seymour Irvine (b. 26 Jul 1836, Dunottar, Scotland; d. 18 Jun 1887, Aberdeen, Scotland), the composer, was the daughter of a Church of Scotland parish minister who served at three churches in Aberdenshire, Scotland. One church was at Crimond. Jessie Irvine is buried in St. Machar’s Cathedral, Aberdeen.
Jessie Seymour Irvine
https://youtu.be/eji6_VIbUuE tune CRIMOND played by Neo Brass Band and the Hammonds Saltaire Band, with timpani, cymbals, snare drum, bass drum, and a very dramatic ending!
https://youtu.be/CetwecIv8I0 tune CRIMOND (with descant), but with words of “The Lord Is My Shepherd, I Shall Not Want”
Here’s the tune for the bass part:
https://youtu.be/VHptLAUcMyE bass part of the tune CRIMOND
The title of the sermon is “Intermission.”
The closing hymn is “Wherever I May Wander,” hymn no. 294. It is from Songs and Hymns for Primary Children.
https://youtu.be/zpKVkiGIagY “Wherever I May Wander,” words by Ann B. Snow, 1959, tune NEW ENGLAND, a folk melody
There is a country-western line dance song which the Chinese give the name “Wherever You May Wander,” https://youtu.be/GCgmVRxPfXc, which seems an appropriate name for a line dance song, especially if you are someone who is as bad at line dancing as I am. The actual name of that music though is “Let Me Be There,” so it must have lost something in translation. There is also a song by Metallica called “Wherever I May Roam,” but the words and music are very different from the hymn: https://youtu.be/s3pHKEfNK2Q Metallica, “Wherever I May Roam.”
I wasn’t able to find out anything about Ann B. Snow.
Instrumental Music
The prelude is “Diapason Dialogue” (1969) by Gordon Young.
http://youtu.be/rTQeBQs5SwY?t=56m16s "Diapason Dialogue"" by Gordon Young
The diapasons are a kind of organ pipe. They are frequently included in the façades of pipe organs, often painted and decorated. In Old South Haven’s Hinners organ, the diapason rank of pipes is an open 8’ diapason stop. These are “flue pipes.” They don’t attempt to sound like some other instrument.
Flue pipes are sometimes called “labial pipes” as the sound is produced by the air passing a sharp lip, just as in a whistle.
Flue pipes sound like this: http://www.die-orgelseite.de/audio/prinzipale.mp3 Diapason, 16’ + 8’ + 4’
While reed pipes sound like this: http://www.die-orgelseite.de/audio/oboe.mp3 Oboe, 8’
“Diapason” is the term used in English organs. German organs call the same stop a “Prinzipal” or “Principle” stop.
The Hinner’s organ has both metal and wood flue pipes. The wood flue pipes are used in the pedal division and are stopped rather than open. The rank is called the 16’ Bourdon. “Bourdon” is derived from the French word for bumble-bee. These pipes have a “deep, dark, and penetrating tone” that can be easily heard.
The offertory music is "Morning" by William Stickles.
William Charles Stickles was born in Cohoes, New York, (north of Troy) on 07 Mar 1882. He was a composer, arranger, teacher, and editor.
He attended the Utica Conservatory and Syracuse University, then studied abroad. For five years, he assisted Isadore Braggiotti, a voice teacher, in Florence, Italy. Then he spent two years as a vocal coach for soloists with Felix Motti at the Hof Theater in Munich. After that, he taught in Boston and New York.
In April 1912, he was the accompanist for Anna Chase of the Metropolitan Opera in her appearance at the White House for President and Mrs. Taft.
On 01 Dec 1919, he married Clara Hazard of Los Angeles in Trinity Chapel, New York City. She was a soprano and soloist at St. John’s Protestant Episcopal Church in Los Angeles. He had been touring with her and Theodore Karie (tenor) as their accompanist.
He produced many arrangements of standard works for chorus, organ, and piano, and also composed original pieces. He did arrangements of “Smoke Gets In Your Eyes” (music: Jerome Kerns, words: Otto Harbach), “Bali Ha’i” (music: Richard Rogers, words: Oscar Hammerstein II), “Summertime” (SATB) (George Gershwin and Du Bose Heyward), “easy-to-play piano arrangements” of the songs of Cole Porter’s “Kiss Me Kate,” and also a collection of arrangements of “cowboy duets,” along with arrangements of the songs of many other popular musicals (“Oklahoma,” “West Side Story,” etc.).
His Book of Preludes, Offertories, Postludes for all Organs was published in 1957. It was enlarged and published as The Deluxe Book of Preludes, Offertories, Postludes for all Organs ten years later with Chester Nordman as co-editor and composer.
He died in Queens, New York, in October 1971.
The postlude is “Trumpet Voluntary,” also by Gordon Young.
https://youtu.be/W21XdR8J9xQ “Trumpet Voluntary” by Gordon Young played by high school sophomore Heidi Taylor Flesichbein (who is home schooled)
https://youtu.be/RYngQ1RDadw “Trumpet Voluntary” by Gordon Young, played quickly by David Michalowski
Here is a more stately version:
https://youtu.be/no09MM4ORyg “Trumpet Voluntary” by Gordon Young, played by Cristiano Rizzotto
This one has very clear video, and you can watch Lars Zimmermann’s left foot play the pedals:
https://youtu.be/LjGdSxxaq5k “Trumpet Voluntary” by Gordon Young, played by Lars Zimmermann
Friday, August 11, 2017
This Week at Old South Haven Chrch
Sunday, Aug.. 13 10:00am Morning Worship
Sermon: "Intermission"
Lessons: Isaiah 40: 28-31
Matthew 11: 28-30
Pastor Tom on vacation/study leave from Friday, August 18 to Thursday, August 31.
at the Chautauqua Institution, Chautauqua, N.Y.
Pastor Yuri Ando, United Methodist Church of Bellport, will be on call for this period.
There will be no Property/Finance Committee Meeting nor Session Meeting
this month.
Sunday, Aug. 20 10:00am Morning Worship
Preacher: Alan Stevens
Sunday, Aug. 27 10:00am Morning Worship
Preacher: Linda Majowka
Sunday, Sept. 3 10:00am Morning Worship/Holy Communion
Sermon: "Work as Our Living Worship"
Lessons: Genesis 3: 13-19
II Timothy: 1:1-14; 2: 14-15
Saturday, August 5, 2017
This Week at Old South Haven Chrch
Sunday, Aug. 6 10:00am Morning Worship/Holy Communion
Sermon: "Being Spiritual: 3. Affirming the Old in the New"
Lessons: Psalm 137: 1-6 Romans 8: 18-25, 31-39
6:00pm South Country Peace Group's 35th Annual World Peace Vigil
on the 72nd anniversary of the nuclear destruction of
Hiroshima, silent procession from Woodland Cemetery
to the Bellport Dock
Speakers: Paul Ames and Pastor Tom
Friday, Aug 11 6:00pm Summer concert at Bellport High School
Sunday, Aug. 13 10:00am Morning Worship
Sermon: "Intermission"
Lessons: Isaiah 40: 28-31 Matthew 11: 28-30
Wednesday, Aug. 16 8:30am Mid Suffolk Presbyterian Clergy
Holbrook Diner
Friday, Aug. 18 - Thursday, Aug. 31 Pastor Tom on Vacation
Sunday, Aug. 20 10:00am Morning Worship
Preacher: Alan Stevens
Sunday, Aug. 27 10:00am Morning Worship
Preacher: Linda Majowka