This Week at Old South Haven January 2, 2020
Members and Friends of Old South Haven-
As this will be my final This Week bulletin to you, let me take just a moment to say that it has been an honor, privilege and a pleasure to serve with you over these last months. As in any relationship that matters, I have learned much from you and treasured many moments from time with the children of the church, to sitting at table with the Lunch Bunch and church potlucks, and most especially in our gathered worship. You have at times been an inspiration and at others frustrating but that is because we are all human and relationships take work to thrive. As I leave you know that I will carry you in my heart for you are now and always a part of my life's journey.
My hope for you as the journey of Old South Haven continues is that you will carry on being a light in the community. That you will stretch yourselves, take some risks, so that all will come to see that you are a community of faith with open hearts, open minds that is anchored in Christ's love for all.
In Christ,
Pastor Karen
Annual Meeting of the Congregation and Corporation of Old South Haven Presbyterian Church will be held following worship on Sunday, January 12, 2020 in the sanctuary. The purpose of the meeting iyou s to elect officers and review annual reports. By order of the Session
Rev. Karen Sue Hybertsen, Ph.D., Moderator
Elder Sean Moran, Clerk of Session
PER CAPITA is "the tie that binds" — annual support that unites the entire church in the ongoing and essential work that guides the Office of the General Assembly, the life of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and benefits every congregation and every mid council ministry. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, the Office of the General Assembly encourages the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to be a people of hope. The 2020 Per Capita is $8.95 for the General Assembly, $4.10 for the Synod of the Northeast, and $25.00 for the Presbytery of Long Island for a total of $38.05 for each member of OSH. We pay our full per capita assessment. Every designated contribution to the Per Capita assessment means more funds available for ministry here at OSH.
Farewell Potluck on Sunday January 12. Please join us as we say farewell to Pastor Karen. You are asked to bring a side dish. Everything else will be provided.
Pastor Karen will be honorably retired by the Presbytery of Long Island at its January 25, 2020 meeting to be held at Bethany Presbyterian Church (425 Maplewood Rd, Huntington Station). After opening business at 9 am there will be worship, followed by the installation of new officers. At around 10 am will be the recognition of retirement.
Sunday, January 12 9:30 am Choir
10:00 am Worship
Sunday School
Choir after Fellowship
5:00 pm Farewell Potluck
Sunday, January 19 9:30 am Choir
10:00 am Worship, Elder Jason Neal preaching
Choir after Fellowship