A "thank you" to all who played a significant role in preparing for, and presenting last Sunday's afternoon
program of opera and Broadway musicals: John for designing and printing the programs; Kappy, Deb, Darcy.
and BJ for the reception; Elizabeth and Joann for collecting the money, and ALL of you who attended. Daniel
Ragone and the Three Sopranos also wanted me to thank you for being a wonderful audience. I am
thankful Old South Haven can offer this kind of program for the larger community.
Pastor Tom
Saturday, Oct. 1 9:39am -3:30pm Presbytery Day
Westminster United Presbyterian Church
109 Udall Road, West Islip
"Generosity Rising: Lead a Stewardship Revolution"
Led by Dr. Scott McKenzie
Sunday, Oct.2 10:00am WORLD WIDE COMMUNION
Sermon: "In the Face of Not Knowing"
Lessons: Lamentations 1: 1-6
II Timothy 1: 1-14
Receiving Peace and Global Witness Offering
Sunday School
Thursday-Saturday ReUnion 2016! at Union Theological Seminary
Oct. 6-8 Pastor Tom attending
Saturday, Oct. 8 YARD SALE/ BAKE SALE
Sunday, Oct.9 10:00am Morning Worship
Sermon: "Living in the Land of the Unfamiliar"
Lessons: Jeremiah 29: 1, 4-7
II Timothy 2: 8-15
Looking Ahead
Saturday, Oct. 22 Presbytery Meeting
Community Presbyterian Church
Deer Park
Wednesday-Thursday Clergy Retreat with a focus on Spirituality
Pastor Tom attending