Sunday, July 31 10:00am Morning Worship
Sermon: "More"
(the folly of greed)
Lessons: Luke 12: 13-21 Colossians 3: 1-11
Tuesday, August 2 1:00pm Lunch Bunch Group
home of Janet Barry
August 3-5 Pastor Tom on study leave
National Campus Ministry Conference
Bentley University, Boston
Saturday, August 6 Hiroshima Day
7:00pm Peace Vigil Procession
from Bellport Cemetery to dock
South Country Peace Group
Pastor Tom will comment on the
2016 Platforms of the Republicans and Democrats
Sunday, August 7 10:00am Morning Worship/ Holy Communion
Sermon: "Not Now"
(the stewardship of time)
Lessons: Luke 12: 32-40
Hebrews 11: 1-3,8-16
Sunday, August 14 10:00am Morning Worship
Jason Neal, preacher
(Pastor Tom, Guest Preacher at Bellmore Presbyterian Church)
Looking Ahead:
We hope to schedule a September Sunday afternoon return engagement of
"The Three Sopranos" in "Divalicious"